Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Essential Oils - Let's Talk Allergies!

Today I want to talk about Allergies & Essential Oils! I'm not talking about seasonal allergies and how Oils can help them, No. I'm talking about those that have allergic reactions to the Taste, Touch or Smell of something.

*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support! Read full disclaimer here.

Yes we all love our Oils but for some around us it can be scary if they are allergic to something. I have family & friends who have severe reactions. My dad is allergic to Rose, and I have a friend who is very allergic to nuts if you eat nuts then even kiss her on the cheek she will start having a reaction(its really bad). Then I have another friend who is allergic to lavender.

So what does this mean for us Oil users? Do we stop using our Oils? Do we need to be scared to use them? or just never invite these ones over to our homes? No, like I'm going to not have my dad over to my house (are you kidding me). No we just need to do the loving thing and educate ourselves with our oils, friends and family.

Chances are if they are your family then you know there allergies, and if its a close friend then you probably know as well. But what about those that your not sure, well Simple Just ASK! Most people will be very pleased that you care enough to ask.

But now there are those ones that just don't like something or don't like smells of any kind whats so ever, so how do you know, well you will never really know but the loving thing would be avoid what your friend tells you. One way you can ask without just saying "what oils can I not use around you?" Simple just invite them over for a meal and ask "I would like to have you over for dinner, Do you or your family have any Allergies? Or and Allergies to Pets or Smells?" This shows that you care and that you want them to feel at home when they come over.

So Your First Step would be finding out what you need to avoid, when you are around that such

Your next step is finding out what oils to avoid when either around that person, when there in your car, when you are inviting them to your home or wherever you use oils around them.

Of course with some oils it can be obvious what ones you should avoid. For example when my dad comes he's allergic to Rose so I make sure I don't use my Rose Essential Oil. But that not all i need to avoid there are many blended oils that contain Rose that I cant use when I'm around him.

So don't just think about the main oil, Remember to check your blends. It's very easy to check before you use them just simple go on Young Livings website and search the oil you want to use and at the bottom of the page it will list the ingredients. Now some blends can be a mix of other blends, so if it list a blend in the ingredients don't forget to check that one as well.

Don't be scared to use your oils just educate yourself on your friends and family and know what's in your oils.

Here is a short list of oils that I have put together. It does not list all oils just a few so be sure to still check Young Living's website

Essential Oils Containing NUTS:

  • Awaken
  • Acceptance
  • White Angelica
  • 3 Wise Men
Essential Oils Containing ROSE:
  • Rose
  • Joy
  • Dream Catcher
  • Gentle Baby
  • Acceptance
  • White Angelica
  • Trauma Life
  • Australian Blue
  • Release
  • Egyptian Gold
Essential Oils Containing LAVENDER:
  • Lavender
  • Stress Away
  • R.C.
  • Dragon Time
  • Brain Power
  • Gentle Baby
  • Awaken
  • Trauma Life
  • Build Your Dream
  • Release
  • Egyptian Gold
  • Cool Azul
  • M-Grain
  • Motivation
If your interested in buying oils you can do so HERE or if your Interested in becoming a member of Young Living I would love to have you on my team! you can do so by Clicking Here

*Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living essential oils. The statements made and the products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent and disease. Please read the full disclaimer here.


  1. You have shared a nice article about the Essential Oils. After reading your article I got very much information about the benefits of the Essential Oils. If anyone looking to Buy Essential Oils Online USA, Visit

  2. Nice article which you have shared here about the Essential Oils. Really, Essential Oils are very useful for treating Allergies and it also useful for skin care. If anyone looking to buy Essential oils for allergies, Visit


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*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no ...