Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Get Fit Get Healthy Week 9

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2.) Every Monday, come back to Becoming the Ultimate Housewife to read the tips on how to get fit, get healthy, and feel more sexy and confident.
3.) Weekly, write a post (or email me about your progress) following the goal chart below, and link up with us.
4.) Don't forget to grab the Get Fit Get Healthy button on the Sidebar and display it on your blog or on your update post.

Week 9 Here We Go!
Many of you have been Emailing me asking me Question on how I Find Time To juice.
So I thought this week would be good to take the Time to Answer some Questions, and Show You My Routine.

Here are some Questions Asked:
What's Your Routine,  and How do you Make Time to make your Juice?
How do you pack juices for your husband lunch?
How do you keep everything Clean?

Lets start with the first one, Routine & Time: Really The Way I fined Time is having a Routine and Sticking to It. I have a Morning Routine I Follow (Read Here) and a Evening Routine I Follow (Read Here) On my morning and evening routines I have a set time for Cooking I use this time to make my Juice.
I make all my Juice at one time! I Make Dinner around 5:35PM When I'm juicing I make Juice But not Just my Dinner juice I make all My hubby and my Juice's for the next day at this time. I put them all in mason jars and then put our morning juice in the Refrigerator and the rest in the Freezer.
This make it so I'm not spending all my time juicing. Then In the morning all I Have to do Is Put my Hubby's Juices in His Cooler For work.

Packing Juice For my Hubby's Lunch: I make and freeze them the night before, This makes it a lot easier. and I don't have to worry about them going bad.

Keeping everything Clean: If you take a look at my morning and evening Routine you will see I always make time to pick stuff up after I cook This helps a lot. When I'm all done making our juice in the evening I take apart my juicer and just put it in my dishwasher (my juicer is dishwasher safe) and the turn it on at the end of the night. then in the morning I unpack the dishwasher and put my juicer all back together super easy.

I hope you can fined this Post of to some use. Let me know if you have and Tips! also I would love to here what your Routine is so comment below or email me

Evening Routine

As I said in my earlier post about my Morning Routine that when I started trying to be a better housewife I was having a hard time getting everything done, as soon as I would clean something it was messy again.  

So I made myself a morning routine and an evening routine. It took some time for me to get them down and to make them a habit, and I found I needed to adjusting it as I went, tell I found what worked for me. and still to this day I change it a little from time to time. Hey life changes so, so do our routines.

Here is my Evening Routine

5:20pm Put a load in the wash (I have a laundry routine I follow to the T and now my hubby never says, "I'm out of underwear!").
5:25pm Start making dinner
6:00pm Serve dinner.  Eat as a family at the dinner table.
6:25pm Put wash load in the dryer or on the line.
6:30pm Make lunches for the next day.
6:40pm Tidy kitchen, do dishes, turn on dishwasher, wipe counter, quick vacuum the kitchen floor, under the dinning chairs and the front door entryway. I have the Swiffer SweeperVac that I use for a quick pick up.
6:55pm Clean up for bed (wash my face, put Pj's on etc...)
7:05pm Straighten up the bathroom
7:10pm Do a walk through of the house (picking up anything that is out of place and putting it in my keep box)
7:20pm Clean out keep box
7:30pm Relax with hubby until bed.  Maybe fold laundry if I'm up for it.

I Hope this gives you some good Ideas.
Let me know what your routine is like by commenting below or emailing me at

Morning Routine

When I started trying to be a better housewife I was having a hard time getting everything done, as soon as I would clean something it was messy again. The biggest thing that helped me keep my home Clean and keep me from going crazy was having Routine's and stinking to them. 
So I made myself a morning routine and an evening routine. It took some time for me to get them down and to make them a habit, and I found I needed to adjusting it as I went, tell I found what worked for me. and still to this day I change it a little from time to time. Hey life changes so, so do our routines.

So Here is My Morning Routine.
6:15AM Wake up & Shower
6:35AM Make Breakfast & Pack Lunch (Lunch was made the night before)
6:50AM Eat as a Family
7:05AM Unpack Dishwasher (It was ran the night before)
7:15AM Pack Dishwasher, Wipe Counter
7:25AM Put away Clean Laundry (It was Washed the night before) 
7:45AM Make Bed & Pick Up room (I don't do this when I first wake because my Hubby is still sleeping, and i always give the bed Time to air out, this is good to kill Germs)
8:00AM Finish Getting Dressed Make-up & Hair
8:20AM Wipe Over Bathroom
8:30AM Check To Do List and Calender
8:35AM If going somewhere put stuff by Door ready to go (Lunch, Purse, Keys, Jacket, shoes etc..)
8:45AM Off to were I need to be or If staying home for the Day I Start my Daily Task's 

                                                                                                                See Evening Routine Here>>

I Hope this can Give You some Ideas on How to make you Morning Routine and What to add. 
Please Comment Below Telling Use your Morning Routine!
Or And Tips you may have or feel free to email me at

{Money} Finding Investment Opportunities

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