Monday, August 25, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} Week 10 - 11!

Week's:10 Week's
Weight Gain/Loss: 1
Stretch Mark Care:Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil With Vitamin-E, 
How Many Stretch Marks: None from the pregnancy But I do have then From when I was a Teen Growing. My Boobies Itch Really bad but I try not to scratch because they say it's bad.
Tiredness:Still having moments when I just need to take a nap, but I also am having Time when I have lots of energy.
Sleep: Having Crazy Dreams.
Memory of the Week: My Pants Not Zipping Because my belly is growing
People We have Told: Everyone!
Cravings: Seafood, My best friend's Homemade chicken Soup and My Mommy's Country Lemon Chicken Yummy!
What's Making you Sick: The Smell of coffee, and laying on my tummy if i do I get very sick
Things I miss: Beer, I Miss a hard days of work and finishing it off with pizza and a beer. now its pizza and a root beer lol
Showing: I'm starting To Get round:)
Gender prediction: no Clue
Pain Or Discomfort: My head has been hurting.
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: None
Wedding Band On or Off: On
Worries: none
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited!!!! 
Mood Swing Events: None
Can't Wait for: To know if its a girl or boy

11 Week's

Week's:11 Weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: No more from last week
Stretch Mark Care:Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil With Vitamin-E, 
How Many Stretch Marks: None from the pregnancy But I do have then From when I was a Teen Growing. My Boobies Itch Really bad but I try not to scratch because they say it's bad.
Tiredness: Starting to get more Energy but at the end of the day i'm very sleepy.
Sleep: Having Crazy Dreams.
Memory of the Week: Getting my first pair of maternity pants
People We have Told: Everyone!
Cravings: Seafood.
What's Making you Sick: The Smell of coffee, and laying on my tummy if i do I get very sick
Things I miss:Nothing this week.
Showing: I'm starting To Get round:)
Gender prediction: no Clue
Pain Or Discomfort: My head has been hurting.
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: None
Wedding Band On or Off: On
Worries: none
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited!!!! 
Mood Swing Events: A Moment when I could not stop crying for no reason.
Can't Wait for: To know if its a girl or boy

Are You pregnant?
Copy and Paste These Questions into the comment box below and Give your Answers!

I would love to see your answers!

{My Pregnancy Journey} Challenge Week 3!

Don't Know About The Challenge Yet Visit The Post "New Challenge Part 1" Click Here to go check it out!

Challenge Week 3
Here Is what I Accomplished This week!

Monday: Bathrooms

Cleaning Task: Bathrooms

  • Clean Shower
  • Clean build up around taps & drains
  • clean sink
  • clean mirror
  • clean countertop
  • clean window & shills
  • clean toilet

De clutter Task: Bathroom Countertops
Don't have too much stuff on your bathroom countertop in make it look messy. and its harder to clean.

Organizing Task: Shampoo Bottles
Rethink what you have in your shower. could you make personal shower caddies for each family member or maybe have a decorative bottle that the shampoo is in.

Baby Task: Bathroom Stuff
Find a spot in your bathroom cabinet where you can keep babies bathroom stuff, Shampoo, Body wash, Wash rags, Towels etc...

Routine: Bathroom
Make it a routine that after you take a bath you rinse out the tub. Or after Babies bath you rinse out tub, rinse off toys and put everything away.
This will make cleaning the bathroom easier every week.


Cleaning Task: Kitchen
Clean your Oven!
Read how Here

Baby Task: Cabinet
Pick a Cabinet/drawer out in your Kitchen that you want to store babies things.
Keep in mind you will need room for the following:
  • Bottles
  • Nipples
  • Bibs
  • Spoons
  • Bowls
  • Plates
  • Sippy cups
Keep in mind that just because the baby is maybe not using these yet doesn't mean you will not have them and need a place to put them. If you're having a baby shower you will probably get these items and you will need a place for them better to make a place now than later.

De clutter Task: Cabinets
Clean Out 2 Cabinets of your choice, Preferably one of the cabinets you want to use for baby.
But not your Tupperware Cabinet we will be getting to this next.

Organizing Task: Tupperware Cabinet
Organize the Inside of your Tupperware cabinet. Tossing any stained or cracked pieces or ones with missing lids.


Cleaning Task: Dishwasher
Clean your dishwasher!
Read how to Here

De clutter Task: Bathroom Cabinet
De Clutter your Bathroom Cabinet.
Anything you don't use or no longer want clean it out of there. 

Organizing Task: Bathroom Cabinet
Organize the bathroom cabinet!

10 Minute Only Task: Straighten up your Master Bedroom!

Cleaning Task: Washing Machine

Clean Your Washing Machine!

Organizing Task: Linen Cabinet
Organize your Linen Cabinet. Or were ever you keep your linens.

De clutter Task: Linen Cabinet
Any ratty old sheets or blankets clean them out. Towels that have holes Retire them to be cleaning rags.

10 minute only task: Car
Remove all rubbish from your car.

Cleaning Task: Your Wardrobe
  • Remove items from shelves
  • Clean Shelves
  • Put items back
  • Remove Items from Floor
  • Vacuum Floor
  • Place items where they go
  • Give everything a good straightening

Organizing Task: Your Wardrobe
Organize your wardrobe.

De Clutter Task: Your Clothing
Box up any clothing that don't fit you.
With pregnancy your body is always changing so you may need to try on some items. 

I put all my clothing that don't fit into a flat plastic bin with a lid that will fit under the bed. as this is just temporary until after the baby is here and I lose weight.

Baby Task: Your Clothing
Get yourself some Maternity clothing trust me this will make you feel so much better.
I still had some stuff that kinda fit but I went and got my self 1 pair of pants 1 pair of shorts and 2 tops and man I feel so much better i didn't even realize how uncomfortable i was.

If you strapped on cash Try going to Thrift stores or baby consignments. That is what I did.

Well That's It For This week! 
It May seen like a lot or it may seem like a little to you, Whatever the case work at your own speed. And never over work yourself remember you're pregnant and need rest, and you and the baby come before anything else so if you're getting tired take a break, drink or eat something!

Challenge Week 4>>

Please Comment below!
What Do you think Of this Week?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} Problem with this weeks Challenge Post! Week 3

I'm Very Sorry I just Now Noticed that Monday's Post for the Challenge (Challenge Week 3) Never Uploaded! I'm so sorry for the inconvenience to everyone who is following the challenge!

Do that now its so late in the week and if I post it now everyone would have a lot to do in a week I Decided that I will post it Friday for next week!

So for this week There will be no Challenge Post!
So Just take some time to putter on your home and give it a good straightening up.

and I look forward to seeing your Progress and how you're doing with the challenge! 

Feel free to comment or send me a email with what you have got done and if you would like to send photos I would love to see!

Friday, August 8, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} Challenge Week 2!

Don't Know About The Challenge Yet Visit The Post "New Challenge Part 1" Click Here to go check it out!

Challenge Week 1
Here Is what I Accomplished This week!

Monday: Today I was Not Feeling So up To Power!

Cleaning Task: Laundry
  • Washed My Daily Laundry Load
  • Folded Laundry
  • Put away Laundry
De clutter Task:Magazines
Go through You stack of Magazines and clean them out.


Cleaning Task: Fridge
Clean Out Your Kitchen Fridge!
  • Take Everything Out
  • Clean shelves and drawers.
  • Wipe Down items that you took out
  • Once all done give the outside of your fridge a good wipe down and shine.
De clutter Task: Fridge
Do You Have Food Items that you never use? (Sauce that you found on sale but nobody in the house likes it? Etc...) Throw them out they are just making clutter.

Organizing Task: Fridge
Organize the Inside of your Fridge. Putting with like items together.

Baby Task: Do something good for you and your baby.
Do something good for you and Baby, do 30 minutes of a pregnancy workout, walking or prenatal yoga. My personal favorite is yoga.

Routine: Cleaning out your Fridge.
Set a time each week that you do a quick clean and wipe down of your fridge, Preferably the day you make you meal plan or the day before you go shopping.

Also Set a Time each month that you give your fridge and deep clean.

Most homes have some Kind of Paper Clutter. Today we are going to get all our paper stuff in order by sorting and filing.

Cleaning Task: Paper

  • Go around your home and gather all Paper, Mail, Junk Mail, Recipes, Online Printouts, Manuals, Tax papers, Piles of paper work, That pile of mixed papers that you have know clue what's in it. Gather it all and put it in one place.
  • Now Get a Box & a Trash bag
De clutter Task: Paper
  • Sort Through The Pile Making piles that need to be filed or need a home. throwing trash into the trash bag and things that can be recycled into the box.
  • Take out the trash & Recycle Box
Organizing Task: Paper

  • File all Paper Piles. If you don't have a File make one.
  • Start a sorting system that will work for you. so these piles don't happen all over the house. 
    • A bin for mail
    • A Bin for things that need to be filed
    • A bin of papers your Hubby needs to look at etc...
Click Here to read how I Organize my files

Routine: Sort Your Mail & Files
Find a time each week that works for you to sit down a sort your mail, sort your files and file them.

Baby Task: Start a Baby Binder
Get a binder where you can put all your baby info in.

10 Minute Only Task: Clean Off one Shelf in your home

Cleaning Task: Office

  • De Clutter Office Desk
  • Empty Trash
  • Dust all surfaces
  • Give Computer a good clean. Read How 
  • Clean Window
  • Pick up items off of floor
  • Pick up item off of the floor so you can vacuum (Trash can, chair etc...)
  • Clean Baseboards
  • Vacuum Floor
  • Place items Back on floor.
Organizing Task: Office Desk

  • Organize your top of your desk in a way that works for you.
  • Organize each drawer of you desk
De clutter Task: Top of Your Office Desk
De clutter Your Office desk! Do you have to many things on it? deco, supplies, pens, paper, junk. De clutter your desk find new homes for things that don't need to be on top of your desk. Put the stapler in the drawer. clean out some of the pens etc...
Routine: Desk
make it a Routine that before you leave your desk that you put everything away. never say you will come back to something! even if you're not completely done with something put it away or it might never get put away.

10 minute only task: Email
Unsubscribe from emails you don't want to get anymore

Cleaning Task: Ceiling Fans
Clean all ceiling fans in your home
Read How Here 

Organizing Task: Calendar
Go throught the year and put all important Dates in your calendar, Anniversaries, Parties, appointments etc...

De Clutter Task: Junk Drawer
All homes have some kind of Drawer where it's kinda a throw all. In some homes this drawer can have order and be neat in other homes it can be the i can't ever find anything in here drawer. Today De clutter your junk drawer.
  • Clean drawer out
  • Give it a good Wipe down
  • Place items you want to keep in there back in. Do so in a organized way.

Baby Task: Calendar
Add any baby stuff to your calendar. and look and see what dates will not work for the baby shower and be sure to give them to the host so they know not to plan on those dates.

Well That's It For This week! 
It May seen like a lot or it may seem like a little to you, Whatever the case work at your own speed. And never over work yourself remember you're pregnant and need rest, and you and the baby come before anything else so if you're getting tired take a break, drink or eat something!

Please Comment below!
What Do you think Of this Week?

{Organizing} My Office Files!

For Me I have a lot to File. My hubby has 3 Business,  Generation Builders a construction Company, Barnett's Water Pros that dose backflow testing for the city, And Barnett's Energy Wise a Heating and Air Company. 

So with all these I always have so much paper around my house and all over Our Home Office. And Its my job to File everything. It becomes a lot.

 And that's not even counting All His Helicopter pilot Paper work he has to keep on file, Household papers, Our House Info, Rental Info and Now Baby Papers. There is a lot.

So Here is How I File
I have one 4 drawer filing cabinet in the closet of our office and One 2 drawer Filing Cabinet as well.
The 4 Drawer Cabinet
Drawer 1: Business Papers
Drawer 2: Properties, Taxes & Insurances 
Drawer 3: Household
  •  Recipes To Try
  • Couponing
  • Household List
  • TV & Internet Info
  • Manuals, Fridge, Microwave, Dishwasher etc...
Drawer 4: Hubby's Helicopter Files.

The 2 Drawer Cabinet
Drawer 1: Back Taxes
Drawer 2: Office Supplies

You Might of noticed that I Don't have a Files for the Some Normal Items. That is because I also Use Binders for Many things. 

My Bill Binder: A Binder I keep all bill info in
  • Due Bills
  • Paid Bills
  • Check Stubs
  • Family Yearly Budget
  • Family Monthly Budget
In another post I will Explain My Bill binder!

Blog Binder: I also keep a Binder with all my blog info in it.

Medical Binder: I Have a Medical Binder for each of us, with any medical info I need is in there.

I will Explain The Medical Binder In a Later Post as Well.

How I sort and Pay my Bills weekly!

On My Desk I have 3 Holders one for Incoming Mail, one for Things needing to be filed and one for things my hubby needs to go through.

Once a Week (Mondays) I sit down and sort through the holders. I first will go through the mail putting any bills in my binder and marking down when they need to be paid. 

as for junk mail I throw that out normally before I even bring the mail inside. because after i take it out of the mailbox i will just walk over to my outside trash can and put the junk mail in there.

Next I will Take some Time to pay my Bills and Look over my bank account. Putting anything that needs to be filed into the "Needs to be Filed Holder"

Then next I will take everything out of the Need to be filed folder sort throw it and then file everything. If i don't have a file for a item i will take some time to make one.

I never leave my office on Monday until all the bills are payed for that week and the mail & File holder are empty!

This is what helps me stay on top of my Paper work.

Please Comment Below!
How do you file?
How do you stay on top of the stack?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

{My Pregnacy Journey} 9 Week's

Week's: 9 Week's
Weight Gain/Loss: 
Stretch Mark Care:Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil With Vitamin-E, 
How Many Stretch Marks: None from the pregnancy But I do have then From when I was a Teen Growing.
Tiredness:Still Very Sleepy
Sleep: I Got My self The Leachco Back N' Belly Contoured Body Pillow and Now I'm Sleeping Amazing. Only Thing is i have to get up like 5 times to use the restroom.
Memory of the Week: 
People We have Told: Everyone!
Cravings: Steak, Seafood and kikwe 
What's Making you Sick: The Smell of coffee, and laying on my tummy if i do I get very sick
Things I miss: Sushi
Showing: I'm showing a little.
Gender prediction: no Clue
Pain Or Discomfort: Tummy Hurts To lay on it. And Boobies Hurt. Little bit of back pain But the always normal for me.
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: None
Wedding Band On or Off: On
Worries: none
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited!!!! 
Mood Swing Events: None
Can't Wait for: To know if its a girl or boy

Are You pregnant?
Copy and Paste These Questions into the comment box below and Give your Answers!

I would love to see your answers!

{My Pregnancy Journey} 8 Week's

Week's: 8 Week's
Weight Gain/Loss: 0
Stretch Mark Care:Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil With Vitamin-E, 
How Many Stretch Marks: None from the pregnancy But I do have then From when I was a Teen Growing.
Tiredness:Still Very Sleepy
Sleep: I Got My self The Leachco Back N' Belly Contoured Body Pillow and Now I'm Sleeping Amazing. Only Thing is i have to get up like 5 times to use the restroom.
Memory of the Week: Hearing the Heartbeat It was Amazing!!
People We have Told: Everyone!
Cravings: Steak, Seafood and kikwe 
What's Making you Sick: The Smell of coffee
Things I miss: 
Showing: I'm showing But to others it just looks like i need to do some sit ups.
Gender prediction: I really don't know at times I thing Boy then Im Like maybe a girl.
Pain Or Discomfort: Tummy Hurts To lay on it. And Boobies Hurt. Little bit of back pain But the always normal for me.
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: None
Wedding Band On or Off: On
Worries: none
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited!!!! 
Mood Swing Events: None
Can't Wait for: To know if its a girl or boy

Are You pregnant?
Copy and Paste These Questions into the comment box below and Give your Answers!

I would love to see your answers!

Monday, August 4, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} Challenge Week 1

Don't Know About The Challenge Yet Visit The Post "New Challenge Part 1" Click Here to go check it out!
My Kitchen

Challenge Week 1
Here Is what I Accomplished This week!


Cleaning Task: The Kitchen

  • Load Dishwasher
  • Wash all Dirty Dishes
  • Give Sink a Good Scrub
  • Picked Up Counter
  • Clean Microwave 
  • Wiped Down Counter
  • Cleaned Window 
  • Wipe down the the outside of cabinets
  • sweep floor.
De clutter Task:

  • Picked up clutter on counter
    • Paper clutter
    • Food Clutter
    • Appliances and Knick Knacks
Organizing Task: Under your Kitchen Sink
Take everything out and give the shelves a good Clean. Put everything back neatly and in a organized way. Toss anything that you never use or that is trash!

Routine: Dishes
Do your Dishes Right after dinner. If you are finding that after dinner you are too tired to do so then maybe think about serving dinner a little earlier so you're not as tired. 
also think about running your dishwasher at night and then emptying it in the morning.

10 Minute Only Task: Dining Room Table
Clean off your Dining Room Table and give it a good wipe down.


Cleaning Task: Laundry Room
  • Sort Your Laundry
  • Clean Vacuum out your Dust Trap of your Dryer
  • Wipe Down Your Laundry room Walls (They can get very Dusty)
  • Wipe down the outside of your washer and dryer
  • Clean your Countertops'
  • Wipe Down the outside of your cabinets
  • Take out any Trash
  • Refill and Laundry soap dispensers
  • Do a Load of laundry
De clutter Task: Countertops & Top of Washer & Dryer
If you have a lot of stuff on your counter or on the top of your Washer & Dryer like socks, Loose change Figure out a System that looks less cluttered Like a Jar for Loose Change or a Basket That lost socks can go in. But try to put a stop to this clutter.

Organizing Task: Dirty Laundry
It may sound funny but I organize my Laundry I have 4 Brackets 3 are Under my washer and Dryer and one Between my washer and dryer. I sort my laundry by loads so on the day that its time to do that load i don't have to wasted time sorting i can just throw it in the wash. I also makes it easy for when one basket is getting a little to full i know i need to run an extra load that day. here is how i have mine sorted.
  1. Normal Load: Work Clothes, Jeans, Socks and underwear
  2. Delicate: All of my tops and Hubby's Shirts
  3. Towels
  4. Hand Wash: Things that need to be hand washed or washed by themselves.
I sort my laundry different from other's because this is what works for me. some people do Darks, Lights etc... but I Never have a full load of Lights normally 1-2 items a week so i just throw them in with my delicacies.
Most of my tops i wash on Delicate but it don't make a full load that's why I add my hubby's Shirts in with his load. 

Baby Task: Laundry Basket
Now That There will be a baby there will be more laundry and because I'm going to be washing the baby's items in different laundry soap it's going to be a whole nother load. So today add a basket to your laundry room or your sorting system for baby items.

I added another small basket between my Washer & Dryer for the babies items.

Routine: Laundry Schedule
Have a Laundry Schedule so maybe that you do one load a day or 2 or 3 a day Make a Schedule that works for you and your family and make a chart put it in your laundry room and try to stick with it.

Don't forget to add baby Items to the schedule and then just for now you can ignore that part of the schedule.
Here is my new schedule i made:

Monday: Delicacies & Hand Wash Items
Tuesday: Towels
Wednesday: Normal Load
Thursday: Baby Items
Friday: Sheets
Saturday & Sunday I have the day off

10 Minutes Only Task: Windows
Clean All the windows in the main areas of the home!


Cleaning Task: Master Bedroom

  • Remove all bedding
  • Wash all bedding
  • Place decorative Pillows On the line in the sun to help remove germs
  • Vacuum Mattress
  • Pick up and put away all clothing
  • Pick Up and put or throw away all paper clutter
  • Pick up and put or throw away all other clutter
  • Dust all Surfaces,dressing table, mirrors, night stands, picture frames, decor
  • Clean ceiling fan
  • Vacuum the floor and under the bed.
  • Make the bed with fresh clean bedding.
De clutter Task: Master Bedroom
Look around your room do you have to much stuff around? (I know I did) To Many Cute knickknacks? These things can be cute but too many of them can make a room look cluttered and messy and can make your Job at cleaning a lot harder. So take a look and see what you can move to another room, sell or Donate!

Organizing Task: Nightstands
My top nightstand Drawer
Take everything out of your nightstand drawer give the drawer a good wipe down. Go through the items that were in there Throwing away any trash, clutter, and things that you want to keep but will not be keeping in your nightstand put it into a Keep Box. Read about My Organizing Boxes Here!

Then Put everything you want to keep in your nightstand back into it in a clean and organized way. move on to the next drawer. and if your hubby don't mind do his nightstand as well.

Routine: Make Your Bed & Open Blinds
Every Morning before you leave your room make your bed, if you say you will come back to it it will never get done. When the bed is made the room looks cleaner. 

Open your window blinds The sunlight will help with any bad odors in the room. and it makes it look nice in there.

Or make a last one up rule! A Friend of mine her and her husband have a rule that on the weekends who ever is the last one out of bed has to make it! This really works for them. (I tried it and my bed never got made on the weekend or when my hubby would do it, it always looked messy to me lol But this might work for you)

Baby Task: Personal Items
You may want to rethink where you keep your and your hubby's Bedroom Personal Items! With a new baby that last thing you would want was for you little one to find that Special little box under your bed. 
(I have a friend who kept hers under her bed in a cute little hat box, one day when she have family and friends over her toddler came running out of her room with something in hand, Very embarrassing.)

So lesson learned hide it were in will be safe or has a key or something. Just something to think about.

10 Minute Only Task: Keep Box
Clean Out Your Keep Box

Cleaning Task: Living Room
  • Wash any Throw Blankets
  • Hang Decorative Pillows on the line in the sun
  • Pick up any Trash
  • Pick up any clutter
  • Clean ceiling fan
  • Dust Pictures, tables, shelves any decor in the room
  • Clean window
  • Vacuum sofa
  • Spot clean sofa
  • Vacuum floor
  • Put pillows and Throw Blankets Back
Organizing Task: DVDs & Video Games
My DVD Binder I keep This in a Cabinet.

Rethink how you store your DVDs and Games. Do you have them all on a shelf in your living room? This could be making the room look more cluttered and it gives you more things to dust think about putting them in a cabinet or store them like i do in a binder.

De clutter Task: DVDs &  Video Games
Do you have movies or games that you just don't really like but you own them, or movies you know you will never watch? video games you will never play? Then consider Selling or donating them.

Baby Task: Reading
Do Some reading! Start Reading the Book "What to expect when Expecting" or any other baby info book you have been wanting to read.

10 minute only task:
Don't let your Kitchen Get away Give it a straiten. 

Cleaning Task: Floors

 Vacuum & Mop all floors.

  • Pick everything you can up of the floor
  • Vacuum all Floors in your home
  • Mop all Hard Floors in your Home (Wood, Tile Etc...)
  • Once Dry Place everything Back
Wall floors are drying Give yourself a little break maybe take a nap. You know with being pregnant you got to be tired!

Well That's It For This week! It May seen like a lot or it may seem like a little to you, Whatever the case work at your own speed. And never over work yourself remember you're pregnant and need rest, and you and the baby come before anything else so if you're getting tired take a break, drink or eat something!

Please Comment below!
What Do you think Of this Week?

{Money} Finding Investment Opportunities

*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no ...