Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tip of the Day: How to Keep Your House Cool!

It's that time of year again! The warm, sunny days! Man I love it! It makes me think of all the Fun I'm going to have swimming, camping, house boating, biking, etc.

It's already been getting up  to 85-90F Here in Northern California. I love it, but I do feel bad for my hubby that has to be working in it all day, climbing in to and around people's attics when its always at least 10 degrees hotter in there. Poor guy! When he gets home on days like this he likes the house nice a cool!

But how do you keep the house nice and cool without breaking the bank?

Well, I asked my husband and his dad for some tips for my Blog! I felt that they were the best people to ask because this is what they do! They and there family have been in the heating and air business for years!!!

 Here are some simple tips to keeping your house cooler.

Get your air conditioning maintenanced regularly!
You don't want the inside looking like this!
It will not work very well if this is the case.

One other way to avoid this is by changing your filters. You will still need Regular maintenance from time to time, though.

For a Coupon: Click Here

    Get your air ducting checked! 
    If needed, have them repaired, sealed or replaced. 

    This is a photo my husband took. This poor lady was wasting so much money because her ducts didn't even connect and had big holes in them! You can see some in the photo.

    Let some fresh air in!

    In the morning when it cool outside, open all of your doors and windows! Yes, it will be breezy and yes, the house may cool down to 65-68F. Mine right now is down to 64F, but this is good! You want it to get as cool as possible. The Cooler the house is in the morning, the longer it will stay cool.

    Important: once you see the thermostat Go up 2-4 degrees, you will want to close all of your windows and doors. Close your blinds if possible, too, maybe leaving them cracked a little so that you still get some light. You wouldn't want to have to turn lights on at this time of day. If you leave your windows open as it gets hotter outside, that hot air is going to come in and all of your cool air will go out, so close them before it gets to that point.

    Tip: maybe its too cold for you in the morning to have everything open. Well then put a sweater or a blanket on. Think about it, it's cheaper to put more on then to pay more to have you air running all day.

    By keeping the windows open, you are letting the house cool. Closing them later will lock the cool air in the house and it will stay cooler so the air conditioning will not turn on as soon as in normally does.

    Here is an example of what I do and what happens:

    At 6:30 a.m. I get up and open all of my windows and doors.
    (It gets down to about 62-64F here normally at this time)
      I leave the windows open until the house gets to 65-68F (or when it starts feeling warmer outside). *If I have to leave the house, I close all of the windows before I leave.*
    I never leave the windows open after 11:00 a.m. because it always gets hot around that time. Some days it gets up to 85F by 10:30 here!
    I leave my thermostat set to 75F because this is were my husband likes it. I had a hard time getting him to agree to this when we were first married.  He used to want it set to 68F at all times because he likes to be cool.
    My air normally doesn't kick on until around 3:30 p.m. If I never open the windows and doors, it kicks on around 12:00-1:00 pm. It's crazy what a little cool fresh air in the morning can do!

    So here are my tips:\
    1.) Regularly maintain your air conditioner
    2.) Change your filters.
    3.) Get your air ducts checked. 
     4.) Open the doors and windows when it cool outside
     5.) Close the doors and windows before it gets hot outside
    3.) Keep it kind of dark without with out having to turn the lights on
    These tips will save you $$$ when its HOT out!

    To Get Some Coupons for Air Service: Click Here

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    Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    After a Long day...

    After a long day of Cleaning and running around getting Some Coupon Deals I found.
    I found my self driving by Yogurt Mill a Yogurt shop that is very liked in my town. My friends have been raving about this new Yogurt that Taste super yummy and that I have to try it well it's been 2 months now and I haven't.

    So as I drove by I told myself if the
    Drive-tru don't have a lot of people I'm going to go.

    Well what do you know one car, Now I have to stop...

    So here it is the thing my friends rave about and tell me I must try it...

    What's the flavor? Half Chocolate Half Salted Caramel !!!!! Oh WOW now I know why my friends were telling me I had to try it it's so yummy... It's the Perfect blend.

    Now That the House is all Clean and I'm Home for the day i'm going to sit and relax with this Yummy goodness!

    Friday, April 19, 2013

    Sweet deal!

    I love getting a good Deal. I always keep my eyes out for them.

    I went to this store that was having a big sale and walked out with a pair of Shoes for $1.
    Not just any shoes my Favorite Kind of Shoes Bright colored and super tall heal.

    Awwww I'm in love.

    Ok ok I know you want to see a photo of theses sweet shoes for a dollar...!

    Well here you go!!!

    Friday, April 5, 2013

    Caring for Yourself

    Its Very easy to get all Wrapped up in the house, kids, hubby and the many other things you have to do, we can forget about yourself  or just feel like You have no time for you!
    Many of us feel this way.
    But it very important to not forget about yourself and stop caring for yourself.

    Its always good to have a schedule, it's good to include time for yourself in this schedule.
    here are some ideas.

    As a housewife your duty is to take care for yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. This may include getting proper nutrition and exercise, maintaining a good physical appearance and grooming habits, and developing hobbies and a social life outside of the house. This will help you more successfully fulfill your other duties.

    Give yourself time in the morning to dress yourself, don't just throw on your Favorite pj pants and a baggy shirt. Yes, you might have to be home all but that doesn't mean you should look like a slob. Shower, Do your Hair, Put your Makeup on etc...                                                                                                                                You will not only look good you will feel better. and Your Husband don't mind it as well!
    Add a fitness workout of some sort to your weekly routine. No matter if you want to get up to jog every morning after you take the kids to school or take a yoga class in the middle of the day three times a week, Now's a good time as any to get caught up on your fitness regime.

    Out of the House:
    Do something that you've been craving. Take a class to get out of the house every once in awhile. Whether you're learning how to perform a striptease for your hubby or getting a pedicure, reward yourself for getting all of your household tasks completed with a little pampering and self-indulgence.
    Tip's: (Saving Money)
    I'm a money saver so I like to do a lot of my pampering myself at home. I still put the day and time down on my schedule. and keep it just as if i had a appointment somewhere. this way i don't miss some me time.
    1.) I use to go get The Gel Nails done, but instead of going to a spa and doing it, I got a Gel set and light all for a Total of $35.00 and now every 2 week I do it myself. yes It did take me some time to get it down. also because I wanted french tip, and that was harder for me to do. but now i'm better at it, and it looks good and I don't have to spend all that money.  
    2.) I do my own Toes.

    3.)My Hair I mix my own color and do it at home. save big$$$

    Now what do I do with the money I'm saving? Whatever I Want! Sometimes I will get a new Outfit, Massage, Waxing, Facial or just Save it. 

    Yourself & Hubby:
    Prepare yourself, Take fifteen minutes before hubby gets home to rest This way you will be Refreshed when he arrives. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be happy and little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift. Greet him with a smile. This will all help you both.

    How Do you care for Yourself?
    What Kind of pampering do you do at home?
    got any Beauty Tips? 
    I would love to here!
    Please comment below or email me at:

    other post you might like: caring for your husband

    Wednesday, April 3, 2013

    Making a House a Home

    You want to be able to call your house a Home. You can in 12 easy ways, and you don't need lots of money to do it.

    1 Put some books around.

    “Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house,” said Henry Ward Beecher. Your books say something about who you are. Find excuses to exhibit them in every room. like on a light stand etc...

    2 Get the junk Out.
    There is no need to have junk around the inside or outside of a house, so get it out of there!

    3 Show off your Photos.
    Photographs tell the story of your family. Don’t just feature the professional ones. Buy some cheap frames and insert photos from your most recent vacation.

    4 Clean it out.
    Have Boxes sitting around do you even know What’s in them? Who knows? then get them out of there no need to have them if you have not used something for 6 months to a year you need to get it gone!

    5 Pick it up.
    A home should look reasonably clean at all times, so pick it up daily.

    6 hang some art.
    You don't have to make, or want your home to look like an art gallery! you are hanging art that means something to you. 

    7 Paint a room.
    Paint is the least-expensive way to renovate a home. If you’re stumped as to color, look at photos and fined things you like. earth tones are always nice. dark colors can make a room feel smaller so keep that in mined.

    8 Hide the technology.
    You don’t live in "Best Buy". Only techno geeks will be impressed to see your multiple remotes and little white wires. and oh boy the Dvd's and Wii etc .. Fined ways to hide them. I like to get the Box's that look like books, I have one on my coffee table and all my remotes go in that. and for my Dvd's i have them all in a Binder case in a closed cabinet. 

    9 Freshen your windows.
    New window treatments make a big difference and don’t have to cost big money. Blinds or drapes finish the look of a house.

    10 Make it smell good. 
    It doesn't have to be fancy, Slice-and-bake cookies are wonderful. So is chicken in a crock-pot. or some boiled cinnamon sticks. 

    I have a Glade sensor Puff next to my front door in a spot nobody can see very well but were the sensor can see good, that way as people walk in it will go off and my guest will smell its yummy goodness. (i like to change it with the season Summer: Fresh linen, Fall: Pumpkin Spice, Winter: Ginger & Cinnamon, Spring: Blossom's   

    Note: Do Keep in mined where you will be using it, You don't want you bathroom smelling like Donuts or apple pie, Gross! 

    Don'ts: Use Plug-Ins they are really not good and can make some people and animals sick. People with asthma have a very hard time when them. 
    ( I use to use them all the time, I personally didn't get sick with them. But the more and more guest I had coming over they would, so I would have to unplug them. its just better to get something else.) 

    11 Have an open-door.
    Lived-in homes have people over. Make people know and feel like they can stop by anytime.

    12 Keep snacks handy. 
    If someone dropped by unexpectedly, could you find a cookie to serve with coffee? Would you have something in the pantry or freezer that you could serve? Planning for hospitality turns rooms into sanctuaries.

    The whole Idea is to personalize the Space in which you Live. But with out making it Cluttered. So whether you just moved or are sprucing up what you already own, Put a little of yourself into the mix.

    My Favorite Decor Item!
    My Favorite Decor Item in my home, is This...
    Its From my Grammy and my Papa They took Photos of my dad on this and I even have some of the Photos. My dad tells me of times when My Papa used it, what good Memories they have snapped with this camera. My Papa Passed away when I was 3 and my Grammy in 2008.:(

    these Kind of decor Items are very nice to have around the Home they look good, good memories and can start up a good story!

    What's your Favorite Decor Item?
    What Favorite Memories Peace do you have in your home?
    I would love to Here please Comment below or email at:

    What tip's to you have to make a house a home?
    Please share!

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