Thursday, September 13, 2018

{Contributed Post} Improvements You Can Make To The Home Before Winter

{Contributed post}*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support! Read full disclaimer here.

Summer is over now and autumn has hit our lives like a big pumpkin flavoured punch in the face. Everything is now orange and red, and tartan has crept through the woodwork to take over our fashion stores once more. Autumn and winter are cool seasons of the year and they offer the ideal opportunity to host parties at home, have lazy days in and snuggle up on the sofa watching Movies.

In the home at this time of the year you will notice changes, and below are some of the things which you can do for your house this autumn to prepare it for those colder months.

Install a generator

The idea of having a backup generator might seem a little extreme to you, and a lot of the time it is businesses who have one to hand: however a generator could be exactly what you need in case of emergencies. With winter comes a lot of unpredictable weather, and this can cause strong storms which rip down power lines, leaving you with nothing in the home. By using Generator Installers to bring a generator into the home, you will always have a power supply to allow you a hot shower and a hot meal at the end of the day.

Check the boiler

Now that the summer's over and we are welcoming colder weather, one of the things we will see the most is our heating turning on during the day to warm the house. On chilly days, the heating can be a lifesaver and make living at home bearable, but what if it breaks? There’s nothing worse than not having heating in your home, but you can make sure this doesn’t happen easily by checking your boiler to make sure it is in working order. Get a professional in to service your boiler and you will have the piece of mind for the winter.

Insulate the walls

Insulation is the key to a warm and cost effective home, and if you haven’t got enough insulation in your home you will notice a lot of heat escaping every time you turn the heating on. You can insulate the walls floors and the ceilings of your home to make for a maximum heat trapping effect and this will ensure that your home stays warm and you don’t have to spend as much money on the heating.

Secure the roof and walls

When the winter comes around there are going to be some harsh weather conditions coming with it. As the cold hits we can suffer from snow, sleet, hail, thunder, high winds and pouring rain. Our homes need to be watertight in order to protect what’s inside and keep us warm. If you notice mat missing roof tiles or loose paving near your walls, it might be a good idea to get things fixed and sealed to make it watertight once more.

Close the windows and doors

If you have older doors and windows in your home, you might sometimes notice a small breeze entering your home from the cracks, and this can allow heat to escape from the home and cause you to spend a lot more money. Instead, make sure you invest in draught excluders for the door and also see if you need to reseal or replace the windows you currently have.

Insulate the pipes

It isn’t just the inside of the walls which could benefit from insulation this winter, your water pipes inside and outside the house could really benefit from it too. When the cold weather hits, it can start to freeze the water in your pipes and this can lead to a blockage stopping any water from getting into your home. You can prevent this by wrapping towels around the pipes outside and under your sinks to ensure that the water is able to flow.

Make the home energy efficient

It’s safe to say that in the winter we are more likely to spend a lot of money on energy and water for the house. The longer showers and baths we have alongside the lights we switch on in the evenings and the heating can bring our energy bills up significantly. To make sure we are able to save money it is a good idea to install energy saving bulbs and make sure that we have the best boiler and supply of gas we possibly can. We can even install solar panels to help create energy ourselves, and this can save a lot of money in the winter and allow the house to run smoothly.

This Post was Written by a contributor if you are interested in being a Guest Writer Please visit "Be My Guest" page for more details.

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