Monday, November 19, 2018

{Organizing} Are Your Summer Essentials Properly Packed Away Ready For Next Year?

*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support! Read full disclaimer here.

As we are now in the colder months, hopefully, you have packed away everything that you are going to need for Summer. But, you need to make sure that it is all in some sort of order so that when the warmer months come calling again, you are ready. You might think that this seems to far away as we are only in November, but it is always best to pack things away so that they are easy to retrieve. If you don’t start thinking about it now and making sure everything is sorted, you could find yourself in the middle of a nightmare, come May time.

So, what are your summer essentials and which should be taking priority in storage? What are the items that need to be at the front and easy to reach when the weather starts getting warmer? If you don’t have some of the things on the list, we suggest that you get them ready for next summer.

Your Summer Curtains

One thing that many people change in the different seasons is their curtains. Your summer curtains are good for letting in the morning light, and helping you to appreciate the warmth of the day. You are not going to want the same kind of thing for your winter curtains, or you will find that your home, and in turn you, are cold for about four months.

Your winter curtains need to be thick enough to keep the heat in the room, and any cold that may be coming from the windows out. That’s why you need to look at thermal curtains for the winter season and keep your pretty, but thin curtains in the attic.

They do need to be at the front though because once winter has passed, you want to be able to get them straight back out. There is nothing worse than having the heat trapped in a room on a hot summers day with everyone in your house melting. Curtains are not going to take up a lot of storage space so having these easily accessible is not going to be a challenge. If you don’t want to put them in a box, you don’t have to. Just simply fold them up and have them by the entrance of your attic until the sun returns.

Cooling System

THE summer essential is going to be some sort of cooling system, and here, we are obviously talking about fans. If you don’t have a fan in the summer, and you are not one of the lucky people who has air conditioning in their house, you are not going to enjoy the summertime the same way everyone else does. So, if you don’t already have a fan, we suggest that you go and get one before the heat creeps back in. You should look into getting Dyson fans, or something similar as these will provide you with the best level of cooling and avoid you dripping with sweat.

So, it seems pretty obvious why this one needs to be packed away, but still readily accessible. For storage, you should keep the original box that it comes in and every winter, put it in this and then in your attic. Make sure that it is one of the first things that you can reach when spring, turns into summer.

Thin Bedding
The first thing that you will change in the winter is your bedding. The thin bedding is going to be swapped for the comfy, and cozy thick bedding. You obviously want to keep yourself warm in winter, and that is why the thick bedding is the best option. But what this means is saying goodbye to the thin sheets that have served you well for the last few months.

As you are only going to need your thick bed sheets throughout the harsh cold, you need to make sure that you can easily get to your lovely thin ones. If you are going to be getting in your loft when the time comes, it’s not going to be too important where you actually put these. As long as they are not buried underneath things and hard to find, you are going to be okay here. The best option is going to be to put them on top of something else that you need. Your fan, for example, would be a good place to store your bed clothes so that when you go up, you don’t forget anything and end up making two trips.

Bug Nets

Do you have bug nets for your home? Some people do, and others don’t. But if you do, you know that you use them much more frequently in the summer months than you will at winter time. For this reason, you can put your nets away through the winter season if you want to. Just make sure that you can get to it at the back end of spring/early side of summer. This is when you are going to notice all of the bugs appearing again, so you are going to need to be able to find your nets.

You don’t have to put these in the attic because these are not large objects, and they can fit in small spaces. So, if you have spare space in one of your cupboard or wardrobes, they can go here. Alternatively, if you don’t have space anywhere else for them, they can just go under your bed! Thanks to their thin style and easy to fold nature, you won't even notice that they are there, but they are going to be readily accessible when the bugs come calling.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you know what your summer essentials are and how to make sure they are packed away properly, ready for next summer. Take this advice, and you will find packing for winter, and locating for summer a lot easier. Doing it this way eliminates the stress and confusion that can occur when it comes time to change everything up for summer.

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