Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How To Clean a Toilet and rid of Odor!

Sometimes our toilets can get very smelly, even if we clean it regularly. sometimes its just hard to get that bad smell to go away.

This smell comes from under the toilet seat, so no general clean is going to get it. it comes from build up getting underneath, yes such as pee. If you have a young boy in the house you know its got to be bad.

On most toilets you can just unscrew the toilet lid from under neath.

What To Do:
  1. Take toilet lid off
  2. Put lid in hot water & Disinfectant, let it soak
  3. Mix Bicarb Soda & Lemon Juice tell it makes a paste. (The lemon juice acts as a disinfectant)
  4. Put mix onto areas that need to be cleaned and around the bottom base of the toilet. you want to just slop it on there don't scrub. (if you have extra put it on the floor around toilet.)
  5. let paste sit for 10 min
  6. Spray Paste with a little Vinegar
  7. Let sit another 5 min
  8. Wipe Paste off and give Toilet a good wipe down
  9. Clean & Dry off Lid and Place back.

Its a good Idea to do this every 3 months but if you have a little boy (or even a messy man) do it once every month

Please Comment Below!
How do you clean your Toilet?


  1. Very nice tips. I think this is very simple to clean the toilet. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    By Toilet Cleaning Services Chennai

  2. Awesome tips for the cleaning of toilet. These are really useful. I appreciate your sharing. Thank you so much to make us aware of these tips and knock out the smell from toilet.

    Matt from ShopToilet.

  3. Very useful tips, Thanks for sharing this information with us.
    cleaning equipments in chennai

  4. This is very good idea to clean a toilet properly. The toilet is very essential in our daily life. If we never know about the toilet I think the environment pollution increases day by day. Nowadays there are lots of modern toilets find in the market place.


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