Wednesday, November 26, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} 3D Ultrasound!

So in my last post {My Pregnancy Journey} 24 Weeks! I was saying how I could not wait until the 3D Ultrasound!

Well last Friday was our appointment. Man I was so Nervous and so excited! Today I thought I would take some time to write about my experience and what I thought it would be like and how it really was.

First of all I have been to them before but never for myself. I Really wanted to get one more for the family (our Grammy has been asking us to get one every time we see her), and to make sure its a Boy before I get to far into planning. My hubby however has never really been a fan of them he don't really see the need to spend the money, so he was more leaving it up to me to decided if we were doing it.

So I called the place to make my appointment they said they recommend doing it between 24-28 weeks but the best time is 27-28 weeks if you want a good face photo, They said that after 28 weeks its hard to get any good photos because the baby is bigger and less room for him to move a lot, and the baby starts working his way into birthing position so its hard to get a good face photo. well I was 25 weeks and my Father-in-law is leaving for a month so I thought I better book it for this week.

What they told me to do:
They told me to drink 10-12 8oz Glass of water a day up to my appointment. (No Prob there I have been making it a rule I drink 10 8oz glass a day before I can have anything else) then they told me 1 hour before my appointment to empty my bladder completely and then drink 1-2 8oz glass of something high in sugar. and to only eat a light meal (as to a heavy meal will put the baby to sleep)

 Now a friend of mine said she did a milkshake, I thought this was a good idea. I have hear of ones having a milk shake before they go to the ultrasound but my hubby was like "milk shakes fill you up and make you sleepy so that would be like having a heavy meal" so I asked the ultrasound place what they thought of a milkshake and they said the same thing my hubby said. so they do not recommend milk shakes lol.

Now here is what they did tell me they recommend:
- OJ
- Soda
- Fruit Punch
- Sugary Mocha From Starbucks (such as the mint chocolate etc...)
- Kool Aid

The Day of the Appointment:

So I drink all my water up to my appointment.
About 2 hours before my appointment I had a small snack of, Cheese & a little Meat just a little.
A hour before my appointment I Used the restroom for the last time. Then I drank 2 8oz glass of Kool Aid that I make with extra sugar.

Now on our way. Man I was all over the place excited & Nervous I could not even think straight!

everyone was meeting us there. we had Family and Friends, we had a large group of people.
-My Parents
-Hubby's Parents
- Hubby's Grandparents (baby's great grandparents)
-My Sister
-My Nephew (13)
-My Niece (8)
-Hubby's Aunt
-Hubby's Uncle
-Our Good Friends D&C and there to girls who are 16 & 14

So counting Hubby and I we had 17 people lol. 

We pull up and of course our families are always early to everything they are all waiting for us outside. (hey early is way better than late)

Once Inside I checked in and we all slowly filed into the room where they would do the Ultrasound. It was very nice the room was softly light with a table in the middle where I would lay and chair on one side so hubby could sit by me. on the other side was a chair for the tech. and all along the wall they had a Big Bench that fit almost everyone, they also had so big pillows for those who wished to sit on the ground. straight in front of me they had a larger TV screen where we could see the baby and on both sides of the room they had smaller TVs so no matter where anyone was sitting they got a good view of the baby.

So I layed down Pulled My top up to expose my Growing Belly and she put a towel down on my lap so nothing would get on my pants the Gel was warm, I would of liked it to be Cold because I was so nervous that I was very hot lol.

She started looking for his little man parts because I told her I wanted Gender Confirmation. (they offer Deal's where if they get your gender wrong then you get your money back pretty cool) And within seconds she was like Oh Yay This is a Boy! And there was no doubt to it me and Hubby could see it as well before she even told us there was no way he is not a Boy! :) so way less nervous now because I realize No need to return and of the items I have purchased. Yea!

So now she starts to look at the face at first it was the normal Black and White Ultrasound and here is the first thing we see!

Side of  Baby's Face With a Foot Up by his Head:)

Just this Photo had me so happy I did this! Now She goes for the 3D But this is were it go hard see how in the photo above I said he had his foot in his face! Yea he had one foot On his forehead and one by his neck and then one hand on his eyes and one on his chin. he was completely covering up from us. so we could not see his little face very well. :(  so the tech keeps trying and trying but every time he move he still keeps his hands and feet in front of his face.

Then Finely for like 15 seconds he moved his hands hand so we could see some of his face and Oh My that 15 seconds was worth every penny!!!!!! He looks as if he has a little Nose like his daddy, Big full lips not sure where that's from. but man he is so cute! The down side is because he only uncovered for seconds she could not get any good photos but see tryed and tryed and even went over time on my session to see if he would move more, she even had another tech see if she could get him to move but no he decided to go to sleep he was done with us :(

So they Offered for me to come back in 2 week to give it another go for Free! Which this made me very happy!

Doggie that Plays Our Baby's Heartbeat!
So now I'm waiting 2 weeks and I get to go and see our little guy again!:)
I'm a little sad because my father-in-law will not get to be here for it because he will be gone for a month but at least he got to see his little face for those seconds he showed us. and we will send his a photo as soon as we are out of the appointment.

The Other This the showed us on the baby is Hearing the Baby's heartbeat oh wow that got everyone's attention. They place Recorded his heartbeat for us and then put it it a stuffed animal of our choice and of course me being a Dog Lover and to pick a little Doggie.

I love It!

I can honestly say that even though I didn't get any photos this Time I am still very happy I did this and I would Recommend It to any pregnant person who wants to do it!

So now I sit here waiting for my 2 weeks to click on by so I can see him again. I'm drinking 12 8oz glass of water a day, and before my appointment time I think I will drink a Soda. I also am going to eat something just before I go in the room because I have Noticed that my little guy seems to be active right after I eat.

I'm trying Very hard to see what makes him active this week so I can Try and do this before or at the appointment. So far its been food. and That is what I would Suggest myself to anyone who is going to do a 3D Ultrasound to pay attention on what makes your baby move and do that.

Please Comment Below!
Will you do a 3D Ultrasound?
Have You Done one?
Anything you would Suggest?

Monday, November 24, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} 25 Weeks!

25 Week's

25 Week's 
Week's: 25 week's
Tiredness: Very
Sleep: Up and down 3-4 Times a night to use the restroom. I tried not drinking anything before I go to bed to see if this helps but, I get so thirsty all the time and I get thirsty in the middle of the night. So I just have to put up with the bathroom trips.
Memory of the Week: We had our 3D Ultrasound even though we didn't get to see his face much the little that I did was amazing!!!
Cravings: Fruit lots and lots of fruit
Movement: He loves to move when I eat or when Daddy sings, He moves a lot when I lay down on my left side.
Pain Or Discomfort: My back has been killing me this week, I talked with my doctor and she said its normal. I ordered a belly band, it should be coming in the mail soon. Doctr said that should help.
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: If I'm on my feet to long or sit to long. so if i really do anything for a long time my feet swell lol
Wedding Band On or Off: off
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited and a little nervous but I'm ready to meet my Boy!
Name Ideas:
Can't Wait for: My 3D Ultrasound in 2 weeks that we are going to redo.

2015 Family Financial Planner!

This Binder is a lot more than Just a Budget. I love my Family Financial Plan, Since I have been using this I have been so much more organized with my bill's and been able to keep track of our spending. 

Here is what is In the Binder:
- 2015 Calendar
- Monthly Budget Worksheet
- Income Tracker
- Expense Tracker
- Loans & Credit Card Tracker

Here is how my Binder is set up:

I use a 2" Binder that has a pocket on the front and back on the inside. With 4 Divider Tabs, Labeled.
- Budget
- Expenses
- Income Tracker
- Loans & Credit Card's
- Past Months

(1) I have my Binder Cover Page and my Binder spine.
Tip: To make it easier to insert your Binder spine, Open your binder laying it flat on your table with the outside facing up (shown in photo below)
Now insert your Binder Spine.

(2) When you first open My Binder on the Left side there is a pocket I used my label maker to make a label saying  "Bills To Pay" and put it on the outside of the pocket.

 In this Pocket I put all the bill that need to be paid in this spot. I also have a pen, Envelope Opener and checkbook in this pocket, and I have a thing of stamps paper clipped to the pocket, This makes everything I will need in one place.
(3) The First thing you see on the right inside my binder is the Calendar. I use the calendar to write when bills are example: as soon as I get a bill in the mail I check the due date and write it on the calendar Like with the Name and amount, then I place the Bill in the pocket on the left side.
(as seen in photo)

(4) Next I have a Tab Labeled "Budget" I have my budget under this.

(5) A Tab Labeled "Expenses" I have my Expense Tracker page under this. Each week when I sit down to do my bills I gather all receipts and add them to the expense tracker. then I throw away any that I don't need to save for Taxes and any that I do I file in my Filing box.

(6) A tab labeled "Income Tracker" I have my Income Tracker page under this. at the end of each month I add up all my hubby's pay stubs and Side Jobs and add them to the Income Tracker.

(7) A "Loans & Credit Card's" tab I keep my Loan's & Credit Card Tracker Page here

(8) A "Past Months" tab at the end of the month I look over the budget, Expense Tracker & Income Tracker, and I use a blank copy of the monthly budget worksheet and fill it out will everything we did that month I label the top of the budget with the month. and place it in my binder under the "past months" tab along with that month's expense tracker and pay stubs I keep up to 6 months at a time in my binder because every 6 month my hubby and I sit down and go over our budget and spending together this way everything is in one spot and i don't have to search and all my totals are there and I can easily compare to past months and see where we need to cut back or where we can afford to have a little flexibility.

(9) In the very back of my folder is a pocket I put all my Recipes that need to be added to the Expense Tracker in there.

So there you have it that's my Financial Binder. I absolutely love it and love this method it really works for me.

The Binder is Available For Sale In our Shop!

Use This code for 25% Off your binder: 2015bills
Use This Code for 75% Off our Shop: NewShop 

Click Here to Visit Shop!

Please Comment Below!
How do you Organize your Bills?
Do you use a Bill Binder?
Do you have a Family Budget?
What do you think of my Binder?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Shop!

I'm Happy to Announce that I have finally Opened the Becoming the Ultimate Housewife's Shop!
After Looking long and hard I have decided to open my shop up using Esty.

I have been working on many projects to add to the Shop,
Here are some of the things you will find on there or coming soon...

Planners: Family, Financial, Wedding, Pregnancy & Home 
Checklist: Weekly House Cleaning, Monthly House Cleaning, Quarterly House Cleaning, Annually House Cleaning
List: Shopping, To Do's, and more
Kid's: Money Saving Charts, Potty Training Charts, Routine Charts
Home Decor

You can visit the shop By going to the Tab at the Top of the Blog (Ultimate Housewife's Shop) Or
on Etsy as UltimateHWShop

For my readers I'm offering a 75% Off Coupon for our shop just use code: NewShop

Rush on over to use the code wall it's available it will not be around forever!

Please Comment Below!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} 24 Week's!

A little Outfit I Got Our Little One!
24 Week's 
Week's: 24 week's
Stretch Mark Care: None Yet
Sleep: I'm Getting up 3-4 Times a night to use the bathroom.
Cravings: Cheese
Things I miss: Wine
Movement: Lots and Lots Of movement
Pain Or Discomfort: If I stand or sit to long my back starts to kill me
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: If i don't give myself time to sit and rest or to sit with me feet up my feet become very very big, so yea I would say I have swelling lol
Wedding Band On or Off: OFF :( but it will be back once i have baby.
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited, very very excited!!
Can't Wait for: I'm getting very excited about the baby Shower!
Also Next Friday we will be doing a 3D Ultrasound I can't wait! I will be posting a Blog Post about that experience after we do it so stay tuned.
I also Have Gifts I will be giving to Both sets of Grandparents, I will be giving them the gift after the 3D Ultrasound I'm so excited!

Please Comment Below!

{My Pregncey Journey} Week 12!

Week's:12 Week
Weight Gain/Loss: No more since week 10
Stretch Mark Care:Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil With Vitamin-E, 
How Many Stretch Marks: None from the pregnancy But I do have then From when I was a Teen Growing. My Boobies Itch Really bad but I try not to scratch because they say it's bad.
Tiredness:If i'm Really active i get tired quickly out of breath.
Sleep: Having Crazy Dreams.
Cravings: Pizza from Ca' Momi in Napa, Ca and Sage.
What's Making you Sick: Bad Smells like trash, feet, etc my sense of smell is very strong right now.
Things I miss: Wine
Showing: Yes A little
Gender prediction: no Clue
Pain Or Discomfort: My Neck and back have been sore
Labor Signs: No
Swelling: None
Wedding Band On or Off: On
Worries: none
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Excited!!!! 
Mood Swing Events: As we were in napa this weekend I was craving Pizza from Ca' Momi, and that was the one place I wanted to go wall we were there. my hubby and the other couple didn't want to go and I Kinda had a fit (thats so not normal for me!!) I was almost in tears as i told my hubby this is the only reason I came here this weekend now nobody wants to go. and I will not get the Pizza because that's the only place. He realized how important it was to me and seem how emotional i was as and I felt so bad because i could see in his eyes he felt bad for even changing the plan, my sweet Cousin/ Best friend Simply goes lets stick with our plan and go there and get a pizza first. man I felt so stupid for getting so upset about pizza lol.

I guess don't get in the way of Food and this pregnant Girl Lol :)
Can't Wait for: To know if its a girl or boy

Monday, November 10, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} 23 Weeks

23 Week's 
Week's: 23 weeks
Sleep: Been having a hard time sleeping he has been moving around a lot at night.
Memory of the Week: I surprised my hubby with this little onesie, his face when he seen it haven't seen him this excited over something, He loved it!
We also went and started our registry at Babies R Us So much fun but man its a lot of work deciding on everything. but it was a very nice evening with Hubby! after we were all done we went and enjoyed a yummy meal out! 
Cravings: Pasta 
Showing: Getting Bigger and bigger
Movement: He movie a lot when we r in the car when Daddy start singing he goes crazy like he's doing little flips:)
Pain Or Discomfort: Back has been killing me
Wedding Band On or Off: off
Belly Button In or Out: in  

Please Comment Below?

Friday, November 7, 2014

{My Pregnancy Journey} 22 Week's

22 Week's 
Week's: 22 week's
Tiredness: I had a cold so it making me very tired
Sleep: Miserable 
Memory of the Week: My Cousin Giving me a very cute Gift for the baby, In it was a super soft Blanket, 4 Outfits and the little diaper baby in the photo.
Cravings: Cucumber, Sweet Pickles and Green Olives all at the same Time
Movement: Lots and even more after I eat
Wedding Band On or Off: Off
Belly Button In or Out: IN
Feelings: Can't Wait for him to get here

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{Money} Finding Investment Opportunities

*This post contains affiliate links to essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no ...