Thursday, February 7, 2013

Providing Meals

Providing Meals for your Family!

Everyone has to eat and feeding the family is one of the main duties of the homemaker.
You will Need to Plan meals for the week. for help with this see Blog Post Planning Meals. the meals you will do is breakfast, lunch and dinner, including snacks, and desserts.  
Think about this too, food is central to all cultures and family life. As a homemaker you are not only taking care of your family, you are also creating traditions. Enter into this endeavor of feeding your family with the intention of not only providing nutrition for their bodies, but family time and building good memories.
Dinner in particularly is a meal that has traditionally be prepared by the housewife for her husband after he returns home from work. 

Here's where you get to prepare those scrumptious, nutritious meals for your family!
Think you can't cook? Experiment with easy recipes. Enroll in a cooking class at your local community college or parks department. 
and Coming soon we will have a Cooking School Video!

Wives in the 1950's: She began by cooking breakfast for her family; there were certainly no drive-through restaurants where members of her family could grab a bagel and latte. There were no government-sanctioned school breakfasts, sometimes not even a hot lunch program for the kids, so she also had to make and pack lunches -- often for her husband as well. In the late afternoon when her children were home from school and her husband had returned from work, the homemaker of the 1950's was already busy preparing dinner.


  1. Love the family does not need to have money to feed every day, but just ready to face every day is enough.

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  2. I like your ideas and articles. Good and wonderful, I will wait for your article.
    Thanks to sharing food, it is at the heart of all culture and family life. I like the details.


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